Basic food program

WE carry out a very simple mission: supplying Ukrainian frontline communities with a month's worth of essential nutrition through carefully curated food boxes

What is the Basic Food Program? 

The Basic Food Program ensures that people in Ukrainian frontline communities receive essential nutrition for an entire month through our food boxes, each costing only $21.76 — that's just $0.24 per meal. Our boxes include basic necessities like rice, pasta, buckwheat, flour, oatmeal, oil, vegetables, seasonings and canned meat generously donated by Danish Crown.

Why is the Basic Food Program important? 

In conflict zones, access to food is often scarce and unpredictable. Many frontline villages struggle to receive consistent aid. Our program fills this gap by providing reliable and nutritious meals, supporting the health and well-being of individuals facing adversity.

How does the Basic Food Program operate? 

We source quality ingredients locally to support Ukraine's economy and ensure freshness. Our team personally selects, packs, and delivers each food box, overcoming logistical challenges to reach isolated frontline communities effectively.

What makes the Basic Food Program unique? 

'Food For Ukraine' stands out not only for the quality of our food boxes but also for our commitment to efficiency. Unlike larger organizations, we handle every step ourselves — from purchasing and packing to direct delivery. This hands-on approach ensures that resources reach those who need them most, with 85.0% of funds going directly to purchasing food, 12.5% to delivery costs, and just 2.5% to administration.

What impact does the Basic Food Program have? Your support means individuals can rely on nutritious meals, enhancing their resilience in the face of conflict. Access to regular food helps frontline communities maintain health and stability, laying a foundation for recovery and rebuilding.

Join us in our mission to provide essential nutrition to Ukrainian frontline communities. 

Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those most affected.